Lookout Mountain Flight School

Learn how to fly at America’s #1 USHPA CERTIFIED Free Flight Resort

Looking to make new memories or learn a new skill? Call or come see us today.

Learn how to Paraglide!


Want to become a pilot? We have the training program to fit your needs.

LMFP has been training pilots since 1978 and no other flight school can boast the resources we have at our disposal. Your first flights will happen just five feet off the ground on our training hills, situated a few miles down the road at the base of Georgia’s stunning Cloudland Canyon. As you progress – shoving your brain full of aerodynamics, micro-climatology and first-hand folk lore from the heydays of hang gliding – tandem flights with our expert instructors will give you ample airtime to learn how to control a glider at altitude. Once you’ve gotten your Hang 2 and cleared the Big Hill, you’ll be ready to take on our 1,400-foot radial mountain launch. Open year round, morning and evening “sled runs” off our ramp will help you refine your skills and give you the self-confidence and know-how to take to the skies and soar with the eagles!

With Lookout Mountain running for miles both north and south of us, ridge soaring opportunities abound, offering hours of flying fun for the experienced pilot! As your skills progress and you become inducted into the art of “thermal-hunting,” you’ll be able to reach cloudbase at two, four, eight, maybe even ten thousand feet above the ground! Pilots have flown off of our ramp and gone as far as Bowling Green, Kentucky and south of Atlanta!

From your first steps carrying a hang glider to multi-hour XC flights, Lookout Mountain can satisfy all your flying needs! Our staff live and breath flying; no other flight park can lay claim to the diversity of dedicated pilots that call Lookout home; they literally live in our Landing Zone. Our flying community is our greatest strength. Come for a week, stay for a year; let LMFP give you wings and you’ll walk away with friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!



Want to surf the skies, maybe hook some thermals? Interested in being able to go flying anywhere while on your vacation? Learn how to paraglide and you can bring your wing with you everywhere!


Get all the training you need to become a successful P2-rated pilot! We will teach you how to ground handle, forward and reverse launch. You will gain a thorough understanding of micro-climatology and glider performance on your way to completing your first mountain launches. Start your flying career off right and learn from our expert instructors!

  • Beginner Ground School
  • Kiting Sessions
  • Unlimited Training Hill Flights
  • Official Training Manual
  • 5 Supervised P2 Site Mountain Launches

$2000 when purchasing your equipment package (glider, harness, helmet and reserve) through Lookout Mountain.
$2800 if you already own equipment or wish to purchase through another third party company.

All lessons good for one year from the date of purchase.



Curious about what these magic backpacks are all about? Been hang gliding for years but want a little more portability? Jealous of seeing all your friends get up in light lift? Give paragliding a chance and see what everyone’s raving about!


Over the course of two lessons (sessions) you can learn how to launch and land, start working on turns, and become comfortable flying your paraglider off our 120′ training hill. By the end of your program, you may qualify for your USHPA P1 rating and be well on your way to your full P2 Novice rating.


  • Beginner Ground School
  • Kiting Session
  • Two lessons total on our beautiful training hills
  • Lessons are 2-3.5 hours


All lessons good for one year from the date of purchase.